Wednesday, October 14, 2009

time well spent

So I am now working over in Squim. I started my new position this last monday, and have my first full day tomorrow. It is surreal to think that I will not have to go back to the island. I have spent the last 17+ year on that island, and don't know anything else. Everyday is a mind bend.

But the last 3 day have been awesome. I just got back from our Northwest Foursquare District conference, and I was filled up! I have heard other pastors tell me that these conferences are boring, and that they just showboat and prance their "new guys" around...but it was anything but that for me and Erin.

We were totally touch by the holy spirit, with encouragement and confirmation. And we also saw some things in our own ministry and lives that we can and will do better on. It seems that what you get out of things of this nature, will be only at least equal to what expectations you bring to it. Meaning, if I don't expect to learn anything and be edified through these awesome speakers, then it would be a great waste of time.

Also, I was blessed to be able to see many of my friends and counterparts in ministry. It was so great to be able to share some life with them, as little time we did have. Never forget how important it is to stay connected with others. A simple truth that we can see in the life of Jesus Christ.

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