Monday, January 29, 2007

Life Journal/A Flogging

S- "...they flogged them and orderd them not to speak in the name of Jesus..."
"so they went their way from the presen of he council, rejociing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name." Act 5:40-41

O-to any outsider hsi would seem weird, crazy even. But, here the aposltes just have been preaching the Good News, and have been beaten because of it. And they rejoiced? Any normal person would turn away from such things after a "punishment" like that. But, they consideredthemselves worthy to suffer shame for HIs name.

A-How many times do I allow myself to be in a Posistion to be "flogged"? Not that I want a beating but, how much do I get to ahve a choice to suffer for His name? And when I do, do I rejoice? Do I give thanks? What have I done lately to deserve this? I need to take EVERY OPPROTUNITY to preach Jesus! And I will not, nor should not be afraid of any reprocusioon that may come, but I need to REJOICE!

P-Lord, give me opprotunities to share your Good News. And do not allow myself to be shamed of any lashes that I may recieve, but allow Joy to overflow in my heart. Amen.

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