Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday Night

It was a fun day. I was at work all day with my boss out sick, which means that there is a lot more workload on me. It is fun...not..but anyway....I didn't go to bed last night untill around 1230 am...I stayed up to watch a movie...it was great.but it made me really tired...
Well, on top of my boss being gone sick, one of my tellers needed to leave early due to having the flu. So, that meant more work.
But tonight, Eric Barger, a awesome speaker, has been speaking at our church, Living Hope Foursquare for the last 3 nights. Tonight he was speaking on the Islamic religion and it's belief system and how it was no solid foundation, especial when compared to the christianity.
I didn't get the hear the end of his lecture, because I had to take care of two middle school boys. I am the middle school youth leader at my church, which I believe I have told before, anyway these two boys are very special. Unfourtunatly, they usually get themselves into lots of trouble, at school, at home, and sometimes at youth group. They always need lots of attention, and lots of care and love, even though they may not act like they do.
Well, they stayed pretty quite for a hour of the lecture, then they needed a break before they left to go home. This is why I had to leave early....

Right now, I am at my friends house watching Lady in the Water....peace

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