Tuesday, July 8, 2008


So I am, driving in the city and I need to stop and strech my legs,
cause im just a country boy..but
I am at the end of the off ramp and there is a women or young lady could
be in her 20s...but she is standing there holding a sign that reads
Now this is not the first time I have seen a person like this....but for
some reason this one hits me in thw heart....
Now I have no cash, cause I beleieve in the debit card, except for 2
dollars that I know is in my wallet...and I struggle with the idea of
giving this two her...
I argue with myself.back and forth on reasons why I should and shoudnt
give....then the light that I was at turns green....and I drive by.....
Y was it so hard?......and I am a leader of youth..yet I failed today in
being christ to someone.....
'Lord that u for ur almighty compassion, thabk u for grace that above
all things. Forgive me for not following u on this test, and help me
when the next one comes. Amen'

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