Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sitting and Waiting...

So, I have been stuggling with a waiting thing. I have a friend who was told by the Lord to move to a location and wait there. He has been waiting obediently for sometime now.

But, recently it seems that he is really stuggling with the fact that he doesn't know what to do with himself. He doesn't have time to complete day to day stuff, he has some trouble with commiting.

I was talking with him the other day about this, and I said to him
'maybe God is waiting for you to move first.'

He didn't agree with my statement. He is a awesome follower of Christ, and he listen intenty to our Saviors voice, and will not make a move until he hears from the Lord.

So this got me to thinking.....
Can we just sit and wait for His voice?

It was totally God, but this last Sunday, our Pastor spoke about this from Isaiah 53...and to some up it he said 'that we need to go out and make the first move sometime, that God wants us to get out and do more then just worship the way we worship'
which was to say that going out and being apart of the community is worship. That we can't just sit back and wait for God to come, that we have to sometimes engage first.

Then yesterday, I saw a video short on a teaching by Erwin Mcmanus
, pastor of the Mosaic Church in So. Cal
And Pastor Mcmanus says the same thing that has been tugging at my heart witht his issue....that sometimes we can't wait for the Lord to tell us, that we need to advance and continue.

Then I remembered a story that Jesus taught, one of a Master giving his 3 servants there reward and letting them go out to the world and make something of it. Time goes by, and the 3 come back and show what they have done. In a nut shell, 2 of them go out and do something with what has been given to them, and double/triple the amount.
But, the 1, buried it. And nothing happened to it...it was the same amount when he returned to his master.

So what now? Do I bring this up with my friend again? or do I sit back and wait for the right time?

I think that we are called to action. That there are times to wait upon the Lord, but there are time to act out first cause' if we never do would Goliath ever gotten slain? Would the walls of Jerico still be up today? Would the people of Israel still be enslaved in Egypt?....

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