Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Back in a swing...of things...

Ok..more than a week now I was in Seattle roaming the streets, living a single bachlor lifestyle. And was totally misreable. I am home now, in Port Townsend, and really starting to settle in. Don't get me wrong, it still feels new, but more and more like home.

I have continued my commuting regiment to Coupeville, on bike, the nice thing is though I have recieved a upgrade. Yes, I was given a really nice road/mountain back for free! And it is great, I will post pics soon. Just a few accessories and it will be awesome commuting/road bike.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bicycle in Seattle


I said that I was going to post these pics...so here they are. I was riding up and down Alaskan Way and through Pioneer Square/Seattle Center/Downtown. On my way back to the BEQ , it was sunset and I thought I should stop and soak in some of this beauty that the Lord has made around me.

And then the thought came to mind, I should take a picture and blog about this....so here we are....
It is interesting living over in Seattle, by myself. I don't really like it. As much stress and craziness that my family can seem to bring into my life, it doesn't change how much I love them and miss them being around. So many people are on the go, and only have to think for themselves, I wonder what that truely feels like....but for now I would not trade the Love for my family away for any independence.

But, I am here and I am allowing this time apart to be in influx of more for what Jesus wants to speak into my life.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

boy I am sore

Ok so I woke up this morning in agony. Yesterday, I had played two games of basketball, and rode my bike around Seattle. I have come to realize that I am way to out of shape.

So, what am I to do? Sit back and complain? or do I push through and keep on playing, working out, and riding "Red Thunder"?(Yes, I just made that up for my sweet $30 bike I bought on Saturday. I'll post pictures later)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

lost without the net

Ok so I haven't blogged in a while, but I have a good excuse...I have not had the internet for more than a week now....

Not that good of a excuse I know since I can blog via my iPhone. But there is something so rewarding, siting at a table, typing the keys in a rythm motion, processing my thoughts into words and hoping that people will understand my sayings and what not....

But I am here know, sitting in this amazing coffee shop that I found, I believe it is called Zeigeist...check in out though, I yelped it..follow the link that I placed in this blog.

I am proud that I found it, not only that I biked myself over to this amazing little spot.

Yes, David Torres has become a bicyclist....slowly, but surly...
back to my original thought,
what good are we without the internet these days, if someone says that they haven't been online in a day, we gasp! Oh the humanity....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 1

Believe it or not. I now live in Port Townsend. Right now I am on the
ferry commuting back to the island for work. But thw weight that is
off my shoulders is so reliving.

I was a little sad, I have spent most if my life on that island. I
have many memories their I won't easily forget. But a new chapte is
being written. Both by my hand but mainly by the Lords.

I am excited and joyful. My body may be sore but my heart is light And
pushing toward my Jesus.

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, September 4, 2009

The First Last Game

For months I've know the truth. The truth being that I will no longer live in Coupeville, no longer go to friday night games, and sit/stand with my fellow alumni and fans to cheer for my hometown team. The Coupeville Wolves.

Today is the last game for me. After this weekend, my family and I will be permenatly moved to PT. We will go to their games and cheer on their players, soon to be our players....but not tonight...

Tonight I get to wear the Red, Black, and White with Pride. Cheer on the students, who I know personally, as they take the field. Have great anticipation of the win, this is my night.

Of course it will come with some sorrow. I will miss walking through the gates and enter Mickey Clark field, walk around the track, greeting people along the way. Huddling together on the roped off sidelines talking about the players and the season, and complaining if its raining or cold. Or sitting in the stands on the ice cold alluminum seats. I will miss the atmosphere as I say my goodbyes, and fairwells.

All I can say now, is this...
Go Wolves!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 Qtr Length

Today was interesting....I had received a phone call from my sister asking if I could take her to the ferry. No problem, but as I dropped her off I noticed a man with his family getting out of his car.

Now, this man, was a tourist....how do I know this? I will tell you. As he got out of his car, I noticed something....3 QTR length pants. Oh yeah.
Not only that, but he was wearing some shoes that had really thin soles, so it made the pants look even worse.

After the shock wore off, the man did something else that made laugh out loud.

Two words, Fanny Pack.

Oh yeah, everybone in my body wanted to yell out!

"The World is not ready for men wearing 3Qtr length pants!"

After that, my day was on the up and up....
you can't make this stuff up...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What a day! Already I have felt like I want to climb back into bed and
pull the covers over my head. Comfort, it seems is what I desire. Of
course it doesn't help the I am not with my family, they are over in PT
getting the life we are transitioning into ready.

Do I accept this feeling? Do I submit to a authority that makes me
feel that my day is lost?