Friday, September 4, 2009

The First Last Game

For months I've know the truth. The truth being that I will no longer live in Coupeville, no longer go to friday night games, and sit/stand with my fellow alumni and fans to cheer for my hometown team. The Coupeville Wolves.

Today is the last game for me. After this weekend, my family and I will be permenatly moved to PT. We will go to their games and cheer on their players, soon to be our players....but not tonight...

Tonight I get to wear the Red, Black, and White with Pride. Cheer on the students, who I know personally, as they take the field. Have great anticipation of the win, this is my night.

Of course it will come with some sorrow. I will miss walking through the gates and enter Mickey Clark field, walk around the track, greeting people along the way. Huddling together on the roped off sidelines talking about the players and the season, and complaining if its raining or cold. Or sitting in the stands on the ice cold alluminum seats. I will miss the atmosphere as I say my goodbyes, and fairwells.

All I can say now, is this...
Go Wolves!

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