Tuesday, September 15, 2009

lost without the net

Ok so I haven't blogged in a while, but I have a good excuse...I have not had the internet for more than a week now....

Not that good of a excuse I know since I can blog via my iPhone. But there is something so rewarding, siting at a table, typing the keys in a rythm motion, processing my thoughts into words and hoping that people will understand my sayings and what not....

But I am here know, sitting in this amazing coffee shop that I found, I believe it is called Zeigeist...check in out though, I yelped it..follow the link that I placed in this blog.

I am proud that I found it, not only that I biked myself over to this amazing little spot.

Yes, David Torres has become a bicyclist....slowly, but surly...
back to my original thought,
what good are we without the internet these days, if someone says that they haven't been online in a day, we gasp! Oh the humanity....

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