Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 Qtr Length

Today was interesting....I had received a phone call from my sister asking if I could take her to the ferry. No problem, but as I dropped her off I noticed a man with his family getting out of his car.

Now, this man, was a do I know this? I will tell you. As he got out of his car, I noticed something....3 QTR length pants. Oh yeah.
Not only that, but he was wearing some shoes that had really thin soles, so it made the pants look even worse.

After the shock wore off, the man did something else that made laugh out loud.

Two words, Fanny Pack.

Oh yeah, everybone in my body wanted to yell out!

"The World is not ready for men wearing 3Qtr length pants!"

After that, my day was on the up and up....
you can't make this stuff up...

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